Investment Advisory

Conducting buy-side advisory for multi-million dollar global and local private & public funds

The LightCastle Way

We act as buy-side advisors for multi-million dollar private and public funds. We take time to understand your investment thesis and asset classes that best suit your needs. We value that as an investor you don’t only look for financial return but want to deepen your network and impact and invest in companies that not only will utilize your capital effectively for growth but also generate good in the world. 

Our process includes shortlisting deals for you and presenting them to you after initial screening. Then as a partner we work with you through the whole process to conduct due-diligence (often teaming up with the right Chartered Accountant and/or legal firms) while negotiating valuations and purchase price on your behalf. Most importantly we support you till the end to deal closure and even beyond with follow-on investment support. Our goal is to get you the best deals in the market and create a win-win synergy for everyone.

Buy-side investment model-Lightcastle



Invest Bangladesh

Invest Bangladesh is a platform that promotes international investments in Bangladesh by enabling access to macroeconomic, industry level, and regulatory insights, and facilitating an end-to-end market entry process via ecosystem partners.

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